Market Your Spytender Event

Market Your Spytender Event

Make Your FundRaising Event a Success!

The following information is classified. We want your Chicago fundraising event at our restaurant to be a success and have come up with the following helpful hints in doing so!


Share The Love On Social

Set up a Facebook Event to promote your event. To get the most from your Facebook posts, consider Boosting Your Post to further your following and increase event attendance!


Use some of these suggested posts:

Advertise Your Spytender Event on Facebook


  • ​Once Approved: "Save the date! Enjoy some crafty drinks (made by yours truly) at @SafeHouseChicago on (date)! 20% of all drink proceeds and 100% of tips will go to (charity of choice)! Come say hi, hang out and support a great cause!"
  • The Week Before: "It's almost time for my SpyTender event! On (date) remember to stop by @SafeHouseChicago and grab a drink from me. 20% of all drink proceeds and 100% of tips will go to (charity of choice)!"
  • The Days Leading Up To Your Event: "Remember to stop by @SafeHouseChicago (on Wednesday, tomorrow, etc.) for drinks made by yours truly! 20% of all drink proceeds and 100% of tips will go to (charity of choice)!"

Tip: Make sure to click on the @SafehouseChicago and select our Facebook page, so others can easily find the location, and we can help spread the love about your event!


Advertise Your Spytender Event on Twitter


I'll be a #SpyTender @ SafeHouse Chicago on (date)! Enjoy crafty drinks & donate to a great cause! 20% bar rev. & 100% tips go to (charity/us/etc)

Advertise Your Spytender Event on Instagram


"Join me at the Safehouse Chicago for my #SpyTender event! I will be making drinks for (your charity of choice)! 20% of bar revenue and 100% of tips will benefit (your charity of choice)! Come and support a great cause!"

Email List

Email Your Contact List

Use our handy dandy Event Email Generator to promote your event to your subscribers, friends, or general supporters!

See Sample Email

Create Your Email

Raise the Stakes

Consider Raising The Stakes

Some of our most successful events have included additional fundraisers along with their SpyTending event to maximize profit. Our recommendations include:


Silent Auction – reach out to members or organization partners to have items donated and raffle them off to the highest bidders! 50/50 Raffles – whether you want to sell tickets based on arm span or pre-determined amounts, with a 50/50 raffle, not only does one person win, but the organization does too!


Make it a Battle – have two or more SpyTenders throughout the event, competing to see who can raise the most in sales and tips!